What factor will affect vision?

flicker light

Pupils will dilate at dark place and will constrict at a bright place. Pupils will dilate and constrict with the variation of the flicker light with low frequency. Eye muscles become fatigue,

or even loose and cannot adjust pupils to see distant object leading to myopia.For high frequency flicker light, pupils can not dilate or constrict with fast flicker variation.

Peak strong light irradiate the retina. Retina degeneration is produced.

Ultraviolet, infrared, hazard blue light

Ultraviolet cause cataract, infrared cause retinal damage, hazard blue light cause macular degeneration.

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Lamps and impact on health

low frequency flicker light: cause myopia

infra red:continuous wave retinal damage; lens protein denaturation

high frequency flicker light: retinal degeneration

peak strong light on retina: photoreceptor cell damage

ultra violet: cataract

high frequency flicker light: retina degeneration

unsafe blue light: macular degeneration

strong green or red light: cause myopia